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KMST v.1.2.431 Archer Revamp

En esta actualización, el tan esperado Revamp del Archer sido liberado, así como el retorno del PVP! Incluso hay un nuevo modo..


Arrow Blow
Damage Increased by 40% (220% at max level -> 260% at max level).
Weapon ATT Bonus Increased by 10 (20 at max level -> 30 at max level).
Damage Increased by 10% (200% at max level -> 210% at max level).
Bow Master
Damage Increased by 10% (250% at max level -> 260% at max level).
Spirit Link: Phoenix
Massive variable name changes, but none of the values changed. It also has a new feature, abnormal status resistance, but I don’t know specifically how much (variable missing).

Iron Arrow: Crossbow
Damage Increased by 20% (360% at max level -> 380% at max level).
Weapon ATT Bonus Increased by 10 (20 at max level -> 30 at max level).
Damage Increased by 10% (200% at max level -> 210% at max level).
Dragon’s Breath
Damage Increased (350% per hit for 1 hits at max level -> 140% per hit for 4 hits at max level).
Number of Attacks Increased (1 -> 4).

Ultimate Strafe
Damage Increased (270% per hit for 6 hits at max level -> 205% per hit for 8 hits at max level).
Number of Attacks Increased (6 -> 8).
New Feature! Has a 20% chance to ignore mob’s DEF at max level.
Piercing Arrow
Hmm, damage pretty much stayed the same.
Number of Attacks Increased (3 -> 6).
Spirit Link: Frostprey
Massive variable name changes, but none of the values changed. It also has a new feature, abnormal status resistance, but I don’t know specifically how much (variable missing).
Advanced Final Attack
Moved from other 4th job archers to Marksman.

Cygnus Knights

Wind Archer (1st)
Double Shot
Max Level: 20 -> 15.
Required MP: 14 -> 12.
Damage: 165% at max level -> 155% at max level.

Wind Archer(3rd)
Weapon ATT Bonus Increased by 10 (20 at max level -> 30 at max level).
Damage Increased by 10% (190% at max level -> 200% at max level).
And, of course, many Hard Core mode skill changes.

Grand Battle

Un nuevo modo, llamado el Grand Battle, se ha abierto! Hasta 6 personas pueden participar en un room, y no hay límite de tiempo. Debes tener nivel 70 o superior para unirte, y los Knights of Cygnus no pueden participar.

No se puede usar mascotas en Grand Battle, y algunas habilidades están restringidas.

Pero bueno, al menos, añadieron nuevos items nivel 130!

Aqui un video del nuevo Modo:

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