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Final Hero: Luminous! - Skills Preview


  •  Sunfire: Sunfire causes light based skills to do an extra 50% damage and heal 1% HP.
  •  Eclipse: Eclipse causes dark based skills to do an extra 50% damage and use no MP.
  •  Equilibrium: While in the Equilibrium state, for 7 seconds you gain 50% stance, all the damage that you take is reduced to 1, your cooldowns are ignored, all skills do 50% more damage, they cost 0 MP, and Light magic heals 1% of your HP. Equilibrium skills hit 100% of their damage.
  •  Permeate: Light passes through enemies, ignoring 10% of their defense. (LINK SKILL)
  •  Power of Light: Luminous has strong will and insight (instantly level 20) as well as intelligence (+20 INT), and is immune to the darkness state (decreased accuracy).
  •  Light Blink: Track monsters using light and teleport to them, if in town you will teleport to a random place.
First Job

  •  Twinkle Flash: [Light Skill] Arrows of light are quickly fired and penetrate up to 5 enemies for 280% damage. (max level: 20)
  •  Lightransforming: Move a certain distance using light, then conceal yourself, choose the direction using your arrow keys. Passively increase your speed by 20% and jump by 10%. (max level: 10)
  •  Ordinary Magic Guard: 85% of the damage you take will be taken out of your MP. (passive) (max level: 10)
  •  Extend Mana: For 180 seconds, increase your maximum MP by 25%. (max level: 20)
  •  Light Magic Enhancement: Your damage is increased by 5% when using light magic. (max level: 5)
Second Job
  •  Sylphid Lancer: [Light Skill] A spear of light is summoned and does 115% damage 4 times to 6 enemies. (max level: 20)
  •  Envirobility:  [Light Skill] A pillar of light is summoned and pushes enemies to the side while stunning them. (max level: 10)
  •  Void Pressure:  [Dark Skill] The power of darkness is condensed and attacks 8 enemies for 168% damage as long as the skill key is held down. While holding down the skill key, you can move the orb left and right. (max level:  20)
  •  Bless of Darkness: [Dark Skill] When you have not been attacked for 5 seconds, summon a dark orb (up to 3). When you take damage, an orb will absorb 70% of the damage and disappear. For each orb summoned, your magic attack will be increased. (1 orb – 50% of 30 magic attack, 2 orbs – 80% of 30 magic attack, 3 orbs – 100% of 30 magic attack) (max level: 20)
  •  Magic Booster: For 180 seconds, the speed of your magic attacks is increased by 2 stages. (max level: 10)
  •  Spell Mastery: Increase your magic mastery by 50% and your magic attack by 10. (max level: 10)
  •  High Wisdom: Permanently increase your INT by 40. (max level: 5)
Third Job

  •  Spectral Light: [Light Skill] Arrows of light are quickly shot at up to 8 enemies, dealing 121% damage 4 times as long as the skill key is held down. You can change the direction the arrows fire by pressing the left and right keys while holding down the skill key. (note: this skill can even shoot diagonally!) (max level: 20)
  •  Shine Redemption: [Light Skill] The power of lights heal allies for 500% of their HP while attacking up to 6 enemies for 180% damage. (max level: 20)
  •  Nox Spear: [Dark Skill] Chains of darkness will pierce up to 6 enemies, dealing 401% damage 2 times. (max level: (max level: 20)
  • Death Scythe: [Equilibrium] Gods of death are summoned to your left and right, then rush together to attack up to 10 enemies, dealing 330% damage 4 times. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 20)
  •  Anti Magic Shell: You will be protected from three statuses. The cooldown of 300 seconds will begin once these three skills are used. Passively increase your elemental and status resistance by 40%. (max level: 10)
  •  Light Shadow Guard:  For 180 seconds, increase your weapon and magic defense by 300 and your chance to ignore damage taken by 20%. (max level: 10)
  •  Potik (?) Meditation: For 180 seconds, increase the magic attack of you and your party members by 40. (max level: 20)
  •  Life Tidal: If your HP is higher than your MP, increase your damage by 20%. If your HP is lower than your MP, increase your critical chance by 40%. (max level: 20)
Fourth Job

  •  Light Reflection: [Light Skill] A powerful light wave is released to hit up to 8 enemies for 375% damage 4 times. Enemies hit reflect the wave. (think Chain Lightning) (max level: 30)
  •  Morning Starfall: [Dark Skill] A star of darkness is summoned to attack up to 8 enemies for 180% damage. The star pushes away your enemies then explodes to deal 370% damage. There is a cooldown of 5 seconds. (max level: 30)
  •  Apocalypse: [Dark Skill] A large abyss of darkness opens and hits 8 enemies for 390% damage. (max level: 30)
  •  Absolute Kill: [Equilibrium] Instantly kill up to two enemies. If this effect does not work on the enemy, inflict 333% damage 6 times with a 100% critical chance. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 30)
  •  Dark Crescendo: For 180 seconds, when you attack you’ll have an 80% chance to increase your damage by 1%, up to 30 times. (max level: 30)
  •  Darkness Sorcery: For a certain period of time, increase the amount of monster’s defense ignored and your critical chance by 30%. (max level: 30)
  •  Magic Mastery: Increase your magic mastery to 70%, magic attack by 30, and minimum critical damage by 15%. (max level: 30)
  • Dark Light Mastery: Increase the duration time of Equilibrium’s buff by 5 seconds, the rate at which Sunfire and Eclipse states deplete is decreased. Passively increase the damage of Death Scythe by 50%. (max level: 5)
  •  Maple Warrior: Increase the stats of all party members by 15% for 900 seconds. (max level: 30)

  •  Hero’s Will: You are cured from the seduce state. There is a cooldown of 360 seconds. (max level: 5)

5 comentarios :

  1. asu esta chido este mago :D

  2. :O!, vaya esta sorprendente este job *¬* ya lo estoy esperando en GMS para poderlo jugar bien :D ... haha creo que este mage le gana a todos los demas y juntos xD...

  3. me imagino q ste jo saldra al proximo año en febrero ...! :(

  4. yo pense que seria un heroe pirata..
    M- Merdcedes - Arquero
    A- Aran - Warrior
    P- Phantom - Thief
    L- Luminous - Mago otro mago..
    E- Evan - Mago
    Hubiera estado mejor un pirata.. gracias por la informacion :)

  5. Leo

    yo pense que seria un heroe pirata..
    M- Merdcedes - Arquero
    A- Aran - Warrior
    P- Phantom - Thief
    L- Luminous - Mago otro mago..
    E- Evan - Mago
    Hubiera estado mejor un pirata.. gracias por la informacion :)

    ya hay 2 tipos de piratas mas en el juego oficial, suficiente


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