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KMST Patch] 1.2.446 - Hyper Skills


All Classes

  •  Hyper Physical Guard: Passively increase your physical defense by 500. [required level: 165]
  •  Hyper Magical Guard: Passively increase your magical defense by 500. [required level: 174]
  •  Hyper Movement: Passively increase your speed by 10. [required level: 152]
  •  Hyper Jump: Passively increase your jump by 10. [required level: 146]
  •  Hyper Accuracy: Passively increase your accuracy by 20%. [required level: 158]
  •  Hyper Critical Rate: Passively increase your critical rate by 10%. [required level: 198]
  •  Hyper Dexterity: Passively increase your DEX by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Intelligence: Passively increase your INT by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Luck: Passively increase your LUK by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Strength: Passively increase your STR by 50. [required level: 140]
  •  Hyper Max Heart Point: Passively increase your HP by 15%. [required level: 192]
  •  Hyper Max Magic Point: Passively increase your MP by 15%. [required level: 186]
  •  Hyper Max Demon Force: Passively increase your DF by 50. [required level: 180]


Aran and Maha will release a maximum power to the enemy in front

Unlimited Combo Unlimited Combo

  • Have unlimited combos for a limited amount of time. Has a cooldown 


  • Summon the ancient onyx dragon to assist you in battle

  1. Frozen Soul Frozen Soul

  • Soul Stone increases the amage of party members 


  • Attacks enemies in front of you 

  1. Elvin Blessing Elvin Blessing

  • For a short amount of time, increase your damage and stance rate. Has a cooldown


  • Rise a card in the air that will come down attacking enemies. Has a cooldown
  1. Final Judgement Final Judgement

    • Receive all effects of Judgement Judgement at once. Has a cooldown


  • With the power of Black Mage, attacks enemies around you that will force them to stop attacking you. Has a cooldown

Memorize Memorize

  • Instantly turn to Equilibrium state. Has a cooldown.

Heroes 오쓰


  • Summon an ancient nova that covers the screen with flames, causing an explosion. Has a cooldown.
  1. Final Trans Final Trans

    • Immediately turn into Final Figuration form without the need of filling the gauge. Has a cooldown
  2. Majesty of Kaiser Majesty of Kaiser

    • Increase your attack speed (by 1), damage, and defense. Has a cooldown

Angelic Burster

  • Use the greater force of Escada to attack. Has a cooldown
  1. Final Contract

    • For a short amount of time, increase your critical damage, stance, and resistance. Has a cooldown
  2. Soul Eject Soul Eject

    • Amplify your chances of recharging soul by 100%. Has a cooldown.

SouthPerry Extractions

4 comentarios :

  1. =O eso es en el KMS. Oo? aproxiadamente en el GMS q version seria :D

  2. seria en un futuro no muy lejano ... XD

  3. Esta Genial lml esperemos que esto nos alcanze en diciembre o el año que viene :B

  4. para esto en el global falta muuuuucho... hay que tener en cuenta que apenas estan poniendo el mihail, aun falta el luminous, luego el kaiser (el cual no veo la hora de que salga *-*)y el angelical buster....y ahi si van los hyper skills ... osea para finales del otro año xD


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