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KMST ver. 1.2.487 – Dual Blade and Cannon Shooter Cambios!

ver.  1.2.487 Selección Mundial

Un nuevo parche en Tespia ha sido liberado, con los cambios de Dual Blade and Cannon Shooter, así como una nueva theme dungeon! Eso es básicamente todo en este parche, aparte de eventos.
Parece que no están haciendo ningún cambio en la creación de estos jobs (al menos por ahora) y se van directamente a cambios en los skills.

Dual Blade

1st Job (Dual Blade)
Sharp Slash Effect
  • Sharp Slash Sharp Slash: effect and icon have been renewed
  • Dark Sight Dark Sight: you can now use Flash Jump while in Dark Sight, using Flash Jump will not cancel Dark Sight
  • Flash Jump Icon Flash Jump: existing Double Jump effect has been increased to Triple Jump (this means you can now use Flash Jump up to 2 times while in the air)
1st Job+ (Semi Dualer)
  • Tornado Spin Tornado Spin: now if linked with Flying Assaulter, monsters will be pushed forward properly
2nd Job (Dualer)
  • Karma Karma: Karma’s attack buff will now stack with other attack buffs
2nd Job+ (Dual Master)
  • Flash Bang Flash Bang: now any monsters affected by Flash Bang will take 10% increased damage from all of Dual Blader’s skills
3rd Job (Slasher)
Blade Ascension Effect
  • Blade Ascension NEW! Blade Ascension: Attack up to 6 enemies for 175% damage 3 times while rising into the air. This skill can be linked with level 10+ Flying Assaulter to create a quick and seamless attack. (max level: 20)
Bloody Storm Effect
  •  Bloody Storm Bloody Storm: delay has been increased, effect and icon have been renewed
4th Job (Dual Blader)
Blade Fury Effect
  • Blade Fury Blade Fury: range has been increased, delay has been decreased, effect and icon have been renewed
Phantom Blow Effect
  • Phantom Blow Phantom Blow: range has been increased, effect and icon have been renewed
  • Dummy Effect Dummy Effect: you will no longer have to stand still to use this skill, Dummy Effect no longer cancels Mirror Imaging, Dummy Effect’s health has been decreased from 20000 to 19000, in addition to existing effects when Dummy Effect is destroyed Shadow Evasion will instantly activate (when fighting powerful bosses, installing Dummy Effect will be useful to dodge powerful attacks)
  • Final Cut Final Cut: distance moved when this skill is used has been increased greatly
  • Sudden Raid Sudden Raid: number of hits has been increased from 1 to 3
  • Hidden Blade Hidden Blade: in addition to existing effects, Hidden Blade now gives 10% total damage
  • Blade Fury - Reinforce NEW! Blade Fury – Reinforce: Blade Fury’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
  • Blade Fury - Ignore Guard NEW! Blade Fury – Ignore Guard: Blade Fury’s defense ignored is increased. [required level: 177]
  • Blade Fury - Extra Target NEW! Blade Fury – Extra Target: Blade Fury’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 195]
  • Sudden Raid - Cooltime Reduce REMOVED! Sudden Raid – Reinforce
  • Sudden Raid - DoT Reinforce REMOVED! Sudden Raid – DoT Reinforce
  • Sudden Raid - Cooltime Reduce REMOVED! Sudden Raid – Cooltime Reduce

Cannon Shooter

1st Job (Pirate)
Monkey Push Effect
Monkey Push
  • Monkey Push NEW! Monkey Push: While in the air, press jump to jump once more. This skill can be used during Cannon Jump. (max level: 5)
  • Cannon Splasher Cannon Splasher: number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 6
  • Gigantic Backstep Gigantic Backstep: you can now use this skill during Cannon Jump, max level has been decreased to 10
2nd Job (Cannon Shooter)
Slug Shot Effect
  • Slug Shot Slug Shot: effect and icon have been renewed
Third Job (Cannon Blaster)
Monkey Furious Effect
Monkey Furious Debuff Effect
  • Monkey Furious NEW! Monkey Furious: Launch a cannon ball at up to 10 enemies in front of you, dealing 180% damage 3 times. The cannon ball will go through them without exploding but will mark them with a ‘Gunpowder’ debuff. Debuffed monsters will take 200% damage every second for 20 seconds and will take 20% increased damage from all of Cannon Shooter’s skills. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 20)
Cannon Spike Effect
  • Cannon Spike Cannon Spike: damage has been increased from 220% to 240%, delay has been increased, effect and icon have been renewed
Cannon Jump Effect
  • Cannon Jump Cannon Jump: this skill can now be activated by pressing ↑ + jump while in the air, distance moved has been increased, during this skill you can use Monkey Push or Gigantic Backstep, you can use this skill after Monkey Push, effect has been renewed
  • Shooter's Counterattack Shooter’s Counterattack: you no longer wield your cannon when this skill activates, this skill’s activation will no longer interrupt movements, damage has been increased from 160% to 200%, effect and icon have been renewed
  • Monkey Power Boom REMOVED! Monkey Power Boom
Fourth Job (Cannon Master)
Cannon Bazooka Effect
  • Cannon Bazooka Cannon Bazooka: effect and icon have been renewed
Cannon Buster Effect
  • Cannon Buster Cannon Buster: range has been increased, damage has been increased from 415% to 600%, delay has been increased, in addition to existing effects Cannon Buster now ignores 20% of an enemy’s defense, effect and icon have been renewed
  • Overburning Cannon Overburning Cannon: damage boost has been increased from 40% to 50%
Maple Warrior Effect
  • Maple Warrior Maple Warrior: effect has been renewed
Rolling Cannon Rainbow Effect
  • Rolling Cannon Rainbow Rolling Cannon Rainbow: this skill has been changed from a keydown to an installation, meaning Cannon Shooter can now move around and attack after placing it
Dimensional Library

Una nueva theme dungeon llamado la Dimensional Library ha sido añadido! Puede acceder a ella a través del Dimensional Mirror en cualquier ciudad. Es una idea muy interesante, y sin duda algo que debe salir si te gusta la historia de MapleStory!
Cygnus Nineheart Lilin
Dimensional Library will be presented in 3 different episodes. Become the main character as you progress through important events that transpired in the past! Kid Cygnus and Lilin, too cute~!

Dimensional Library se presentará en 3 episodios diferentes. Conviértete en el protagonista a medida que avance a través de eventos importantes que ocurrieron en el pasado! Kid Cygnus y Lilin.
  • EP1: White Mage
  • EP2: How to Become an Empress (Cómo convertirse en una emperatriz)
  • EP3: Black Witch
White Mage Viernen
The White Mage… could this be the Black Mage before he cast away his light?
El White Mage... ¿podría ser el Black Mage antes de que se alejara de la luz?
... Y se fuera al Lado Oscuro?!
Aurora Great Temple Lobby

Si usted no está familiarizado con la historia del Luminous, había una organización llamada Aurora, que protegía a la luz. El Black Mage fue el creador de este pero creció demasiado codicioso y su luz se convirtió en lo que hoy es Luminous.
Dunamis Fairy Queen Ephenia Black Witch Eleanor Master Omen
Incluso Dunamis y Eleanor la Black Witch aparecen (pensé Nexon se olvidó de ella, jaja)! Y sí, esa es la reina de las hadas Ephenia ! 


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