Hola chicos! Después de un largo período de sequía de noticias sobre MapleStory, un nuevo parche ha sido liberado en Tespia! Aunque es muy grande (casi 600 MB!)
En las notas del parche sólo se habla de 7 jobs’ skill balancing’y algunas otras cosas.
Sin embargo ,dentro de los datos hay un monton de imagenes de mobs,NPC’s de algo llamado Black Heaven.
Es definitivamente, el nuevo contenido que viene en el tercer parche de verano, así que sigue leyendo!
Cambios en los Skills
Dual Blade
- Chains of Hell: other skills can now be used while this skill’s invincibility frames are active, a cooldown of 45 seconds has been added
Blade Fury: damage has been increased from 165% to 195%
Phantom Blow: damage has been increased from 200% to 210%
Final Cut: distance moved after using this skill has been decreased, fixed a bug where using Final Cut with a pet would disconnect users from the game
Asura: cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
Viper’s field battle is highly effective but their bossing capabilities are low. We increased Fist Enrage’s damage and increased the effects of Ultra Charge and Counter Attack to give greater merit to their melee fighting style.
We also gave Unity of Power’s damage cap increase a boost by increasing the maximum number of stacks.
We also gave Unity of Power’s damage cap increase a boost by increasing the maximum number of stacks.
Fist Enrage: damage has been increased from 270% to 300%
Ultra Charge: stance effect has been increased from 98% to 100%
- Counter Attack: chance to activate has been decreased from 40% to 25%, duration has been decreased from 45 seconds to 30 seconds, now when this skill activates you will take 30% less damage and your damage will be increased by 25%
Unity of Power: cooldown has been decreased from 20 seconds to 15 seconds, maximum number of stacks has been increased
In our previous balancing, we wanted Headshot to be a good skill but its efficiency was low due to its skill delay, so we decreased it.
Headshot: skill delay has been decreased from 1260ms to 1050ms
- Counter Attack: chance to activate has been decreased from 40% to 25%, duration has been decreased from 45 seconds to 30 seconds, now when this skill activates you will take 30% less damage and your damage will be increased by 25%
- Charge Drive: can now be used in conjunction with the Down arrow key in order to cancel the knockback part of the skill (only performs the knockup), skill delay has been adjusted
Strike Dual Shot: damage has been increased from 240% to 260%, can now be linked with Wrath of Enril
High Kick Demolition: skill delay has been decreased from 870ms to 630ms
Leap Tornado: damage has been increased from 215% to 235%, downwards attack range has been increased
Unicorn Spike: can now be linked with Wrath of Enril
Gust Dive: can now be linked with Wrath of Enril
Legendary Spear: can no longer be used in the air
Rolling Moonsault: downwards attack range has been increased, delay has been decreased from 810ms to 540ms
Lightning Edge: in addition to existing effects Lightning Edge now passively increases Gust Dive’s damage by 50%, can now be linked with Wrath of Enril
Advanced Strike Dual Shot: damage has been increased from 288% to 300%
Wrath of Enril: this skill’s cooldown is now decreased by 1 second whenever skills are linked together
Demon Avenger
- NEW! Conversion Star Force: Based on your currently equipped Star Force enhancement count, gain HP for each Star Force. Gain 150 HP for each Star from 1~30, 925 HP from the 31st, and 175 HP for each star from 31~40.
Demon Strike: using Demon Strike will no longer reset Exceed counts
Forbidden Contract: HP boost has been changed to a 10% damage boost, cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 75 seconds
Demon Slayer
Demon Trace: this skill can now be used in the air, skill delay has been decreased from 810ms to 600ms
Dark Thrust: skill delay has been decreased from 900ms to 720ms
Devil Cry: when this skill is used consecutively, the Force consumption will increase by 40 for 15 seconds (stacks up to 4 times)
Demon Explosion: Force consumption has been decreased from 50 to 25, skill delay has been decreased from 900ms to 690ms
Demon Impact: damage to boss monsters has been increased from 30% to 40%
Metamorphosis – Enhance: now 5 seconds before the Damage Reflect ignore effect wears off, an effect will blink over the character’s head to inform them
Angelic Burster
To help Angelic Burster be more efficient, we are increasing the functionality of 2 buffs and allowing Super Nova to ignore damage reflect.
Lyrical Cross: accuracy boost has been removed, Lyrical Cross now increases attack speed by 1 stage and maximum HP by 1500
Super Nova: this skill can now ignore damage reflect
Soul Exalt: 100% Recharge chance has been removed, Soul Exalt now gives the ability to ignore Damage Reflect, 20% boss damage, 30% defense ignore, and increases Soul Seeker Expert’s chance to activate by 15%

Ahora vamos a hablar de Black Heaven,no es mencionado en ninguna parte del parche y tampoco esta disponible en el juego, pero hay bastante contenido en imagenes que vamos a revisar.

Asumo que Black Wings ha activado un dirigible gigante llamado Black Heaven. Esta aeronave atacaria en alguna parte de… Quizás Edelstein? Quizás Ereb? No estoy seguro.

Este nuevo parche menciona que contara con el nuevo sistema de blockbuster, Hay 7 Acts en los datos y en el mapa de arriba esta el primero.

Al parecer la Maple Alliance se reunira para combatir esta gran amenaza.

Probablemente habra una quest en la que usted debe infiltrarse en la sede de Black Wings en Leben Mine.

Hay un monton de barcos que son añadidos en este parche junto con NPCs (Cygnus Knights, Kyrin, varios knights y la Resistance)

Este nuevo contenido mostrara el nuevo tipo de storyline similar al de Zero y la nuevo Mushroom Kingdom.

Es probable que en este nuevo parche veamos combates aereos.
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