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kMSt ver. 1.2.403 – Nett’s Pyramid Reorganizacion!


  • Bast’s Eye (50P): 10% total damage
  • Sebek’s Eye (50P): 5% total damage, 10% chance to inflict Slow
  • Nephthys’ Eye (100P): 30% total damage
  • Neper’s Eye (80P): 15% total damage, 10% chance to inflict additional damage
  • Ptah’s Eye (80P): 15% total damage, 10% chance to inflict fire DoT
  • Atum’s Eye (300P): 100% total damage
  • Nut’s Eye (150P): 50% total damage, 15% chance to inflict Slow
  • Geb’s Eye (150P): 50% total damage, 10% chance to inflict Stun
  • Hathor’s Eye (600P): 300% total damage
  • Set’s Eye (450P): 150% total damage, 20% chance to inflict additional damage
  • Maat’s Eye (450P): 150% total damage, 20% chance to inflict fire DoT
  • Tefnut’s Eye (1000P): 1000% total damage
  • Imhotep’s Eye (800P): 500% total damage, 30% chance to inflict additional damage
  • Apis’ Eye (800P): 500% total damage, 30%  chance to inflict fire DoT
  • Anubis’ Eye (2500P): 2000% total damage
  • Horus’ Eye (1500P): 1500% total damage, 30% chance to inflict Slow
  • Isis’ Eye (1500P): 3000% total damage, 30% chance to inflict Stun
  • Osiris’ Eye (4000P): 3000% total damage, attacking speed +1
  • Amun’s Eye (4000P): 5000% total damage, 40% chance to inflict Slow
  • Ra’s Eye (6000P): 10000% total damage, 30% chance to inflict Stun

  •  Immortal Pharaoh’s Belt (200 Nett’s Emeralds): level 80 req, 55 defense and magic defense, 1 attack, 2 magic attack, 3 slots (untradeable, can be traded once with the use of the Scissors of Karma)
  •  Immortal Pharaoh’s Shoes (250 Nett’s Emeralds): level 80 req, 2 to all stats, 40 defense and magic defense, 5 slots (untradeable)
  •  Immortal Pharaoh’s Ring (300 Nett’s Emeralds): level 80 req, 2 to all stats, 100 HP and MP (untradeable, time limited)

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