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Contraataque de la Espada (Warrior Reestructuracion)

- Damage of Power Strike has been increased from 260% to 280%
- Damage of Slash Blast has been increased from 180% to 220%
Fighter, Crusader, Hero
- The Power Guard skill has been changed to Power Reflection - For a period of time, you can reflect more than the damage taken back to the enemy.
At master level, Power Reflection can absorb 30% damage from the enemy and reflect 500% damage back to the enemy for 180 seconds.
- New skill has been added: Physical Training – Increases your strength and dexterity permanently.
At master level, Physical Training permanently increases your strength and dexterity by 30.
- New skill has been added: Self Recovery – Recover your HP and MP during combat for four seconds long.
At master level, Self Recovery recovers 80 HP and 80 MP for four seconds.
- Damage of Ground Smash has been increased from 300% to 320% and the amount of enemies it can attack has been increased from 3 to 4.
[ Coma & Panic ]
- Damage of Panic has been increased from 480% to 1000%.
The amount of accuracy it can lower to an enemy has been decreased from -60% to -20% and the duration of the darkness effect has been increased from 9 to 30 seconds.
The darkness effect from Panic can now affect boss monsters.
2 combo counts is required to use Panic.
- Damage of Coma has been increased from 400% to 620%.
1 combo count is required to use Coma.
- The amount of enemies Brandish can hit has been increased from 1 to 3 at level one. (bug fix)
- New skill has been added: Advanced Final Attack - Enhances the success rate and damage of Final Attack.
At master level, Advanced Final Attack has a success rate of 60% and deals 250% damage. It also gives a permanent +30 weapon attack and a 10% increase in accuracy.
- The Achilles skill has been removed. All SP used in this skill will be automatically transferred to Advanced Final Attack.
- Damage of Monster Magnet has been increased from 200% to 300% and the amount of enemies it can attract does now depend on the skill level.
- The horizontal range of Rush has been increased.
- Chance Attack has been fixed so that it can now inflict damage to frozen enemies.
- Hero’s Will is now able to cure almost every status effect. When a player has the skill lock status, the player cannot use the Hero’s Will skill anymore.
- The skill animation of Brave Slash shows properly when you’re using a different weapon. For example, a sword or an axe.
And the amount of monsters Brave Slash can attack has been increased from 3 to 4.
Page, Knight, Paladin
- New skill has been added: Physical Training – Increases your strength and dexterity permanently.
At master level, Physical Training permanently increases your strength and dexterity by 30.
- Power Guard can now absorb 50% damage from the enemy and reflect 100% damage back to the enemy for 180 seconds.
- Damage of Ground Smash has been increased from 300% to 320% and the amount of enemies it can attack has been increased from 3 to 4.
- HP recovery of Restoration has been decreased from 80% to 40% maxHP. Cooldown time has been decreased from 30 to 15 seconds.
- Skill effect of Fire Charge has been renewed.
- Skill effect of Ice Charge has been renewed.
- Skill effect of Lightning Charge has been renewed.
- Damage of Charge Blow has been increased from 360% to 500% and can now attack up to 4 enemies at all levels and the skill effect has been renewed.
- Damage reduction from an enemy from the Achilles skill has been increased from 15% to 20%
- Hero’s Will is now able to cure almost every status effect. When a player has the skill lock status, the player cannot use the Hero’s Will skill anymore.
- The horizontal range of Rush has been increased.
- Damage of Advanced Charge has been increased from 510% to 700%
- Damage of Blast has been increased from 285% to 290%
- Blessing Armor can now successfully guard all attacks, the guard effect upon activation is 1.5 seconds of invincibility.
- Skill effect of Sanctuary has been renewed.
Spearman, Dragon Knight, Dark Knight
- New skill has been added: Physical Training – Increases your strength and dexterity permanently.
At master level, Physical Training permanently increases your strength and dexterity by 30.
- Damage of Ground Smash has been increased from 300% to 320% and the amount of enemies it can attack has been increased from 3 to 4.
- Resistance to all statuses of Elemental Resistance have been increased from 40% to 50%.
- HP threshold of Dragon Roar has been decreased from 15% to 10%. Dragon Roar can be used when you have more than 20% HP.
- The Dragon Blood skill changed to Dragon Strength - For a period of time, your strength gets increased.
At master level, Dragon Strength increases your strength by 60 for 200 seconds.
- The Dragon Blood skill has been removed. All SP used in this skill will be automatically transferred to Dragon Strength.
- The effect from Dragon Judgement applies to all skills now.
- Damage of Dragon Buster has been increased from 170% to 185%.
- HP usage of Sacrifice has been decreased from 11% to 5%.
- New skill has been added: Dark Impale – Attack multiple enemies multiple times with fast speed. During the attack, you ignore a certain percentage of the enemies’ defense.
* To see the Dark Impale skill in a video, click here.
At master level, Dark Impale deals 135% damage up to 6 enemies 5 times and ignores 20% of the enemies’ defense.
- Damage of Monster Magnet has been increased from 200% to 300% and the amount of enemies it can attract does now depend on the skill level.
- The increase in attack of Dragon Buster from Dark Force has been removed. Dark Force gives now a 60% increase in damage and +20 speed when your HP is higher than 20%
- Beholder’s Revenge can now recover a certain percentage of HP when being hit.
At master level, Beholder’s Revenge has a counter attack chance of 100%, 700% damage and 5% HP recovery.
- Hero’s Will is now able to cure almost every status effect. When a player has the skill lock status, the player cannot use the Hero’s Will skill anymore.
- The horizontal range of Rush has been increased.
- The Achilles skill has been removed. All SP used in this skill will be automatically transferred to Dark Impale.
Other classes
- Damage and skill duration of Oz’s Flame Gear has been increased from 15 seconds and 15% damage to 40 seconds and 40% damage, respectively.
- The low damage of Eckhart’s Vampire has been fixed.
- The skill damage when the character attacks with Ninja Ambush has been fixed.
- Damage of Flash Bang has been increased from 165% to 250%. The reduction of accuracy has been decreased from 85% to 20% and the duration of the reduced accuracy has been increased from 20 to 50 seconds.
The cooldown time has been increased from 55 to 60 seconds.
- Dragon Pulse and some other similar skills can now knockback monsters in party play.
┕ With ‘party play’, I think they mean party play zones such as Lion King’s Castle, Dark Ereb and other similar areas.

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